This year's Golf Outing will take place at Normanside Country Club on Monday, June 16th.
Schedule of Events
- 8:30AM - Registration Begins
- 9:00AM - Breakfast On Patio
- 10:00AM - Shotgun Start
- 4:00PM - Live Music
- 4:00PM - Cocktail Hour
- 5:00PM - BBQ Dinner, Awards & Prizes
This year for our golfer's: Register online for a SUPER PASS. Each Super Pass includes:
- 1 - Mulligan
- 1 - 50/50 Tickets
- 1 - Entry to Putting Contest
Please consider purchasing a Super Pass in advance of the Outing. This will allow us to have a more efficient Registration process.
If you have any questions about the event or sponsorship opportunities, please email Brendan M. McCann at bmccann13@gmail.com